中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所研究员徐星等人结合最新的古生物学与今生物学资料,对一些保存了皮肤衍生物的非鸟恐龙标本进行观察研究,为这个重要的进化问题提供了新见解。研究人员推测羽毛的演化在鸟类起源之前就以下列顺序完成了5个主要的形态发生事件:1) 丝状和管状结构的出现;2) 羽囊及羽枝脊形成;3) 羽轴的发生;4) 羽平面的形成;5) 羽状羽小支的产生。这些演化事件形成了多种曾存在于各类非鸟初龙类中的羽毛形态,但这些形态在鸟类演化过程中可能退化或丢失了;这些演化事件也产生了一些近似现代羽毛或者与现代羽毛完全相同的羽毛形态。非鸟恐龙身上的羽毛有一些现代羽毛具有的独特特征,但也有一些现生鸟羽没有的特征。
Fig. 1 Scaly integuments of several non-avian dinosaurs
A. the sauropod Mamenchisaurus; B. the compsognathid Juravenator; C. the stegosaurian Gigantspinosaurus; D. the ceratopsian Psittacosaurus
Fig. 2 Filamentous integuments of several non-avian dinosaurs
A. the heterodontosaurid Tianyulong; B. the compsognathid Sinosauropteryx; C. the therizinosauroid Beipiaosaurus; D. the oviraptorosaur Caudipteryx; E. the troodontid Jinfengopteryx; F. the dromaeosaurid Sinornithosaurus; G. the dromaeosaurid Microraptor; H. the scansoriopterygid Epidexipteryx;
Fig. 3 Close-up of filamentous integuments
A. Tianyulong; B. Sinosauropteryx; C, D. Beipiaosaurus; E. Dilong; F. Sinornithosaurus;
G. Caudipteryx; H. Microraptor
Fig. 4 Known feather morphotypes of non-avian dinosaurs
A. morphotype 1, single filament; B. morphotype 2, multiple filaments joined basally; C. morphotype 3,
multiple filaments jointed basally on a central filament; D. morphotype 4, multiple filaments branching later-
ally from most of the length of a central filament; E. morphotype 5, multiple filaments arising from the edge
of a membrane structure; F. morphotype 6, compound structure composed of a prominent rachis with sym-
metrical, well-organized and closed vanes on either sides; G. morphotype 7, compound structure composed
of a prominent rachis with asymmetrical, well-organized and closed vanes on either side; H. m